Product detail

Pro-Visio Forte

Pro-Visio Forte

Characteristics and usage

 For better vision


Complete nutritional supplement containing lutein and zeaxanthin, with vitamins and blueberry extract, suitable for:

  • reducing the risk of age-related eye changes, especially age-related macular degeneration (ARMD)
  • for strained and “stressed eyes” from PC and TV screens, or intensive light



  • as protection against loss of sight in degenerative diseases (ARMD, diabetes and so on)
  • for people with cataract, before and after cataract operations
  • when feeling loss of sharpness in vision
  • as protection against intensive UV radiation



10 mg of lutein and 0.5 mg of zeaxanthin – act as a filter (internal spectacles), which absorb part of harmful light rays, protect the retina from oxidative and light damage, while nourishing it.
blueberry extract – contributes to helping the eye adapt to seeing in the dark. Anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-atherosclerotic action. Reduces the small vessel capacity, and so prevents capillary bleeding. Has positive action on vessels in people with diabetes.
15 mg of vitamin E – which plays a key role in protecting the cell membranes, supports vascular circulation.
50 μg of selenium – selenium is a basic trace element with antioxidating effect. Helps prevent civilisation diseases, contributes to tissue flexibility. Selenium and vitamin E act in synergy, by boosting mutual action.


  • use 1 tablet a day (tablet is sucked)
  • optimal length of use – at least 3 months
  • suitable also for diabetics


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